Kazakhstan Inside

Russian Pro-War Artists Not Welcome In Kazakhstan

Concert tours by Russian artists in Kazakhstan are becoming more and more of a reason for near-political discussions. While some experts suggest «not politicizing art,» others note that the artists themselves have already politicized it. They have ceased to be just artists and have turned into propagandists.

Please, No Hysterics

The upcoming performances by comedian Azamat Musagaliev in Kazakhstan could potentially create a divide among experts. Musagaliev recently performed in Donbas, and now many Kazakhstanis are demanding the cancellation of his performances in the country. Prominent political analyst Daniar Ashimbayev has referred to this as hysteria:

«To consider the performances of foreign artists from the perspective of their political views, in my opinion, is pure idiocy. If there is content that violates the country’s legislation, then there are the prosecutor’s office and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The current liberal hysteria regarding Galkin and Musagaliev is utterly pitiful.»

Artist Plus Politics Equals Propaganda

Meanwhile, another expert, renowned journalist Sergey Duvanov, explained that there is no hysteria whatsoever. It’s just that when an artist starts getting involved in politics, they cease to be an artist. Now they are propagandists, and why would Kazakhstan need performances by foreign propagandists? Literal translation of Mr. Duvanov’s opinion below.:

«Some who position themselves as ‘above the fray’ are attempting to speak out against the harsh ostracism of Russian Z-tour artists in Kazakhstan.

They say there’s no need to politicize everything and see Kremlin propaganda in everything. They argue that everything shouldn’t be seen in black and white terms. Songs, humor, and art, by definition, should be above politics, and therefore, talent and craftsmanship should be separated from the political views of artists.

However, in this situation, there is a clear line that allows us to understand what a particular artist represents when coming from present-day Russia and draw the right conclusions.

It’s one thing if someone among these individuals internally supports Russia rather than Ukraine but keeps this opinion to themselves and, moreover, does not help Russian authorities publicly advocate and promote this point of view. In other words, they sing, dance, entertain, but do not assist the authorities. By default, they remain neutral.

Totally different thing is, when Team Kamyzyak go on a road show in Donbas occupied by Russia, which action, given the specifics of the present situation, is an act of absolute support of that occupation.  Or, take Grigoriy Leps, who promised soldiers RR 1 million for each downed Ukrainian tank.  What kind of artist is he? He is a sponsor of war.

In this situation, by accepting such ‘propagandists’ and ‘sponsors’ in Kazakhstan, we are demonstrating our agreement with the support of the war openly provided by these individuals to Putin’s fascist regime. This means we are aligning ourselves with those who support Russia’s aggression. But that’s not the case!

It’s very unfortunate that not everyone in Kazakhstan understands such obvious things”.

Anuar Nurpeisov

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