Kazakhstan Inside

What Do the Ministry of Health and Anti-Vaxxers Have in Common?

Our officials are losing the information war on all fronts. Not only to neighboring states with more robust media but even to our own lone bloggers, who, in the face of the decline of traditional mass media due to restrictions, have gained unprecedented power.

Renowned political analyst Daniyar Ashimbayev discusses this on his Telegram channel:

«In the situation of rising measles incidence, it has become a common practice to blame anti-vaxxers. It’s a very convenient position (someone is always to blame at the Ministry of Health), but for the sake of objectivity, it is worth noting the presence of several other reasons.

Firstly, there is an extremely low credibility of official medical authorities and experts. The population witnesses numerous scandals, inefficient organization of work, a persistent trend towards excessive commercialization of healthcare, poor training of personnel, and many other issues within our system.

Secondly, the information landscape has changed dramatically. Print media has all but disappeared, television is losing ground, and as social networks and messengers actively take the lead, forming a different type of information culture, the government is still learning to navigate this field.

Thirdly, after the events of 2020, society has become more critical of vaccination in general and government-acquired vaccines in particular. However, instead of an honest conversation about the pros and cons of specific vaccines, their merits, effectiveness, and contraindications, the Ministry of Health is once again running around shouting, ‘It’s all the fault of anti-vaxxers.’

The MMR vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella is undoubtedly crucial. Allergic children and those with chronic diseases need additional examinations before vaccination, as it can trigger an allergic reaction, and the body needs preparation.

Moreover, in recent years, the Ministry of Health has been purchasing vaccines only from Indian manufacturers, even though European alternatives were available before. However, finding the latter is nearly impossible now, even for a fee. While Indian medications are generally good, there are individual issues, especially for allergy sufferers. Experienced pediatricians recommend pre-testing, taking antihistamines if necessary, sometimes following a diet, and considering the possibility of staying at home for a few days before vaccination (but consult your doctor about this!).

Ideally, one can plan a vaccination schedule in advance, taking into account the seasons. Additionally, it is essential to consider the fact that there is currently a high incidence rate, but not everyone has manifested symptoms. Consequently, vaccinating infected but not yet ill children would be undesirable. This is something that the Ministry of Health should address…»

Anuar Nurpeisov

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