Categories: Kazakhstan Inside

Sanctions Break – Kazakh Bank Cards Issued in Russia

A Russian legal entity affiliated with the Freedom Finance of Kazakhstan and its owner, oligarch Timur Turlov found itself in the middle of a scandalous event.

In his telegram-channel, a famous Kazakh blogger, Mr. Ilyas Mynzhasarov posted something that he ironically called “good news”:

Another good news from a happy Freedom Finance client.  The thing is that the Zifra Bank offers an algorithm for issuance of a bank card.  Those who do not know, be advised – Zifra Bank is how the Kazakh Freedom Finance was called in Russia.  Turlov sold it and is supposed to have no affiliation to it.  At least, he said that.

You know what makes Freedom more convenient than other Kazakh banks.  You can tie you card to a Russian cellular phone number and you do need to open-up a Kazakh cellular client account.  Courier services will deliver your card to any Russian urban community.

In the pictures below, a young Russian female citizen is expressing her elation about becoming an owner of a Kazakh bank card in Russia.  She highlights that the card issuance and delivery procedure is simple, convenient and user-friendly.

Anuar Nurpeisov

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