Kazakhstan Inside

Ex-Chief of Karaganda Region Police Investigation May Be Put on a Wanted List

The former head of the investigative department of the Karaganda region is suspected of stealing mining equipment and abusing official powers, reports Tengrinews.kz.

According to information from the head of the region’s police department, an investigator from the same subdivision is also involved in this case along with the former head of the investigative department, Rustam Kulkeev. The Department of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is conducting the criminal investigation. It is known that the stolen mining equipment was seized during the investigation of another criminal case.

‘In accordance with the Karaganda regional prosecutor’s office, the former head of the investigative department of the police department, R.U. Kulkeev, and investigator of the same subdivision, A.E. Kanatov, previously dismissed for negative reasons, have the status of suspects in this criminal case. Currently, the whereabouts of Kulkeev R.U. are being established for investigative actions. If he does not appear, he will be declared wanted,’ reported the head of the Karaganda region police department, Sanzhar Adilov. Earlier in the Karaganda region, it was reported that a former deputy head of the housing and communal services of Temirtau was declared internationally wanted. He is suspected of stealing a large sum of money. Operational measures are currently being taken to establish his whereabouts.

Артемий Заря

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