Kazakhstan Inside

Mass Shooting of Saiga: Lobbying by «Huntzooprom» and the National Hunting Chamber, Claims Pavlov

In Kazakhstan, the mass shooting of saiga was allowed in the fall, justified by the claim that herds of antelopes cause irreparable damage to agriculture. However, prominent agro-expert Kirill Pavlov vehemently disagrees with this reasoning.

On his Telegram channel, the expert writes that the real beneficiaries of the sanctioned hunting of the endangered animal are not a few unfortunate farmers, but entirely different individuals. In his words:

«The deeper into the steppe, the redder it gets from the blood of saigas. I continue to study this important but very tangled topic of shooting our steppe antelopes, and one of the threads of the plot is almost completely unraveled. Now I personally know the list of scientists who enthusiastically (!!!) developed the biological justification – two veterinarians and a candidate of agricultural sciences (originally an economist). Only the data from the ‘Institute of Zoology’ took part in the biological justification. With the assistance of Huntzooprom and the National Chamber of Hunters and Fishermen AYALA (and another candidate of economic sciences). ‘The Truth is out here,’ as Fox Mulder and Dana Scully said in the old American TV series X-files. Although, here the Kazakh proverb is more appropriate: ‘For the small — the offering of the soul, for the soul — the offering of wealth.’ In any case, most of us not only hesitate to sacrifice… they don’t even shy away from the sacred. It’s interesting to know what stood behind the initiative to develop a justification for shooting saigas?»

Anuar Nurpeisov

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