Categories: Kazakhstan Inside

COVID and Kudos to Kuda

In August this year, the Ethiopian Kuda (Kazakh for co-in-law) of our outstanding poet Zhursin Yeraman and our outstanding wrestler Daulet Turlykhan, and, in addition to that very important place in the system of the Kazakh kinship, the Director-General of the World Health Organization, Mr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, did us all some homage by paying a visit to our country.

Kudos to Kuda

As required, the high guest was met in accordance to all ancient Kazakh traditions – his Kazakh relatives conspired him in a Chapan (Kazakh coverall jacket), laid a luxuriously yummy table, made selfies and made him a present — a pedigreed horse, to crown that all.

A three-day Toi (festivity) dedicated to our foreign Kuda was a nerves-thrilling exercise for our healthcare bureaucrats, as throughout all those three-day festivities, they were lost in forecasts, whether the WHO would eventually recognize or reject the Kazakh anti-Covid vaccine QazVac.

Why? Because you just cannot always rely on production and exports of your oil and other minerals.  Because now it is just about the right time to checkmate our home-grown skeptics, who do not believe that WHO will ever approve QazVac.  Because once it is approved, we will ship tons of QazVac abroad and thus flood our National Treasury with hard currency.

Was it in vein, when some of our bureaucrats agreed to volunteer to be used for the testing of QazVac?  Among such volunteers was, for example our Minister of Enlightenment Askhat Aimagambetov, for whom the protection of the land of ancestors from Covid is a priority.

Kuda’s visit brought no miracle.

In exchange to generous hospitality, Tedros promised to our Health Minister, Ms. Azhar Giniyat, he would learn the Kazakh language. That is probably only because his grandchildren are of partially Kazakh origin. 

From now on, Kazakhstan is my home, as well.  Soon, my grandson will begin to talk.  And I must talk to him in his native language,

said the WHO Director-General before numerous television cameras and left for Geneva.

But the Dun is In The Mire…

Our healthcare bosses were lost thinking whether the QazVac would forever remain an exhibit in the museum of our heroic fight against the national budget, that was appropriated for the struggle against the pandemic.

Oh, those simple minds!  If only our Elders knew about colossal sums given by Big Pharma to WHO to get a green-light to supply their vaccines to other countries.  A Chapan and a horse, you say?  Mate, I am WHO and I don’t laugh in the circus!

Competitive Jabs

In the first year of the pandemic, the world witnessed a whole sequence of vaccine wars.  Leaderships of countries, where anti-Covid vaccines were made, even used political instruments for promotion of same.  The Royal Battle, quite expectably, was between Russia and USA.

Jen Psaki, a former State Department spokeswoman and the present White House press-secretary, as well as the author of numerous dubious public statements accused Russian spy agencies of dissemination of safety signals regarding Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.

And really, global Mass Media did publish many articles discussing side-effects and even casualties.

Israel also threw its rotten apples into the faces of the two companies, by referring to its scientists, who also expressed doubts about the effectivity of the vaccines.

Big Pharma producing vaccines will always fight for countries that have money, but do not have their own pharmaceutical R&D. Profits shall totals billions.  No surprise, that our Ethiopian Kuda hurries not to register the Kazakh vaccine.  Nothing personal, just business, they say .

Twilight Doctor

Below we share some interesting and indisputable facts indicating that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus cares about money, not the health condition of the Planet Earth and its inhabitants. 

First of all, he is the first WHO Director-General without exposure to real clinical work.  In 1992, he received his Immunology of Infections Master’s from the University of London.  Later he made a PhD in the Nottingham University (UK) for a research of anti-malaria practices in Ethiopia.

Western Mass Media reported that upon homecoming, he immediately became a participant of political processes and made a Deputy Minister of Healthcare of Ethiopia. 

Secondly, it turned out that it was during his work in that Ministry, that Ethiopia sustained three waves of cholera harvesting thousands of lives.  It turned out that Ethiopian leadership refused to acknowledge that they had cholera epidemies and insisted that all victims died from “acute watery diarrhea”.  It became possible to identify the cause of deaths only after cholera infiltrated into the neighboring countries. 

Thridly, Tedros Adhanom promised to fight corruption in WHO, but in October 2017, i.e. several weeks after assignment to the post, he assigned the notorious Robert aka Maneater Mugabe to the post of WHO’s Goodwill Ambassador.  That assignment caused a major scandal, and the WHO Director-General cancelled it. 

Corruption, duty ignoring, late reaction to real threat, conspiracy with Big Pharma for profit – all of that is just a small portion of grievances the global community expresses in regards to WHO. 

But is Kazakhstan ready to enter that global pharmaceutical marketing Octagon? 

Would it not be just great, if we did?  We would create a whole bunch of new pharmaceutical plants, new vacancies, new taxes and levies.  We would chop tons of moneys.  All of that, however, is unrealistic, considering the magnitude of our corruption and “vintage” condition of our science and technology. 

So, all we got left is to day-dream and passively watch those Royal Big Pharma Battles. 

It may be so, that the WHO, meanwhile, are working for the interests of Bill Gates, because pharmaceutical behemoths need new maladies, that would bring the world to another state of hysteria and panics.

Why would Kazakhstan need a new scandal?

As for the horse – Alas, but some yummy Sogym (Kazakh dish cooked of horse meat) was wasted in vein.

Azamat Kazybayev

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