Kazakhstan Inside

Charity Ban Sparks Outrage: Political Analyst Criticizes Parliament’s Decision

A new paradoxical ban has been introduced in Kazakhstan, prompting political analyst Marat Shibutov to express his dismay on his Telegram channel. Shibutov criticized the parliament for an unexpected innovation:

«During discussions on amendments to various healthcare acts, prompted by the commendable efforts of the Ministry of Health, parliamentarians removed a provision from the amendments that prohibited the tobacco industry from contributing to charity. Specifically, Part Two of Article 110, Section 16 of the ‘Health of the Nation and Healthcare System Code’ is excluded, allowing individuals and legal entities engaged in the import, production, sale, and distribution of tobacco to provide charitable assistance in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The reason? Such assistance could be used to lobby smoking, advertise cigarettes and other products, and ultimately, shorten the lives of the population. What does this mean for smokers? Nothing. What does it mean for charitable funds and organizations? Budget deficits for programs.

It turns out that the overwhelming majority of charitable organizations in Kazakhstan are primarily addressing the competencies of the Ministry of Health that, despite the allocated funding, the latter cannot provide: expensive surgeries, rehabilitation, medication, and much more. Last year, the president lamented that businesses were not responding to calls to invest in the social sphere, promising to draw conclusions. Conclusions will indeed have to be drawn, but businesses are not to blame in this case, Mr. President.»

Anuar Nurpeisov

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